114 Henderson Street

c. 1940
Located at the southeast corner of Henderson and East Rosemary streets, there is a one-and-a-half-story, front-gabled commercial building with a two-story, side-gabled wing to its east, fronting on East Rosemary Street. The one-and-a-half-story wing is three bays wide and five bays deep. It has a Flemish bond brick veneer, six-over-six wood-sash windows, an interior corbelled brick chimney, and three gabled dormers on the north and south elevations, each with diagonal wood sheathing and a single six-over-six window. The entrance, facing Henderson Street, has paired fifteen-light French doors with a six-light transom in a classical surround with molded cornice and is flanked by integral brick planters. There is a single six-over-six window and small louvered vent in the west gable. On the right (south) elevation, a patio is enclosed with a metal fence between brick piers. On the left (north) elevation, six-over-six basement level windows are slightly visible below the sidewalk level.

The adjoining building to the east, facing East Rosemary Street, is five bays wide and double-pile with a Flemish bond brick veneer and side-gabled roof with an asymmetrical parapeted gable. The building has four-over-four wood-sash windows at the basement level, eight-over-eight at the first floor, and six-over-six windows in the five front-gabled dormers on the north elevation. There is a combination of six-over-six and eight-over-eight windows on the east gable end. The eight-panel door, centered on the north elevation, has a classical surround with a pediment supported by fluted pilasters. A one-story, flat-roofed brick wing on the rear (south) elevation, constructed after 1949, has commercial space at the first floor and outdoor seating at the roof, enclosed by metal railings and sheltered by a fabric awning. According to Sanborn maps, both portions of the building were constructed between 1932 and 1949. It formerly had a 110 Henderson address.

In the 2015 survey, this was deemed a Contributing Building..

SOURCE: Heather Wagner Slane, National Register of Historic Places Nomination: Chapel Hill Historic District Boundary Increase and Additional Documentation, Orange County, OR1750 (Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office, 2015), courtesy of the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office.



114 Henderson Street