210 Henderson Street

c. 1917
This two-story, side-gabled, Colonial Revival-style house is three bays wide and double-pile with a stone foundation, wood shingles, six-over-six wood-sash windows, paired on the first-floor façade, and an interior stone chimney. The six-panel door, centered on the façade, has a classical surround with broken pediment supported by fluted pilasters. It is accessed by an uncovered brick stoop with a later brick ramp and metal railing that extends the full width of the façade, connecting the driveway, front entrance, and left (north) side porch. A one-story enclosed porch on the left elevation is supported by grouped columns and enclosed with vinyl six-over-six windows on the left elevation and four-over-four windows and a fifteen-light French door on the façade. On the right (south) elevation, a one-story, side-gabled wing has wood shingles throughout, a fifteen-light French door with five-light sidelights on the façade, and ten-light wood casements on the right and rear (east) elevations. Directly behind this wing, on the right elevation of the main house is a projecting, shed-roofed bay. There is a two-story, gabled wing at the right rear (northeast) and a two-story, hip-roofed section to the right of the rear ell. A shed-roofed porch on the rear elevation is supported by square posts and enclosed with screens. County tax records date the building to 1917 and it first appears on the 1925 Sanborn with a one-story porch across the front. By 1932, the front porch is gone and there is a one-story side porch on the left (north) elevation.

In the 2015 survey, this was deemed a Contributing Building.

c. 1917
Front-gabled, frame garage with wood shingles, a sliding batten door on the left (north) end and a recessed six-panel door and fixed six-light window on the right (south) end of the west elevation. The garage was likely built concurrent with the house and appears on the 1925 Sanborn map. In the 2015 survey, this was deemed a Contributing Building.

SOURCE: Heather Wagner Slane, National Register of Historic Places Nomination: Chapel Hill Historic District Boundary Increase and Additional Documentation, Orange County, OR1750 (Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office, 2015), courtesy of the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office.



210 Henderson Street