124 South Boundary Street

c. 1926
This two-story, side-gabled, Colonial Revival-style house is three bays wide and double-pile with a wide, gabled rear ell. The house has plain weatherboards, eight-over-twelve wood-sash windows on the first floor, eight-over-eight windows on the second floor, and flush eaves and exterior brick chimneys in the gable ends. The six-panel door, centered on the façade, has a six-light transom and pedimented, Classical surround. A one-and-a-half-story, side-gabled wing on the right (north) elevation has a full-width, flared shed-roofed porch on square columns sheltering a fifteen-light French door with four-light transom on the façade. The wide rear gable has original wood-sash windows at the first-floor level, replacement, paired slider windows at the second-floor level, and a half-round vent in the pedimented gable. Replacement French doors open to an attached, flat-roofed carport supported by square columns on a stone knee wall. A low stone wall extends along the front and left sides of the property. According to Sanborn maps, the house was constructed between 1925 and 1932. The house formerly had a 513 South Boundary address.

In the 2015 survey, this was deemed a Contributing Building.

SOURCE: Heather Wagner Slane, National Register of Historic Places Nomination: Chapel Hill Historic District Boundary Increase and Additional Documentation, Orange County, OR1750 (Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office, 2015), courtesy of the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office.



124 S. Boundary Street