108 Kenan Street

NR nomination: One-story, side-gabled frame bungalow with symmetrical facade, engaged front porch and gabled dormer. Has extensive rear additions.

In the 1998 survey, this was deemed a Contributing Building.

2015 Survey Update: This one-and-a-half-story, side-gabled, Craftsman-style bungalow is three bays wide and triple pile with plain weatherboards, exposed rafter tails, knee brackets, and one-over-one wood-sash windows throughout, including a single window in each gable. The three-light Craftsman-style door is centered on the façade and flanked by tripartite windows. It is sheltered by a full-width, engaged shed-roofed porch supported by full-height brick piers with low brick piers flanking the entrance. The porch has a replacement railing and knee brackets at the full-height piers. A gabled dormer, centered on the façade, has a three-part louvered vent and knee brackets. There is an exterior brick chimney on the right (north) elevation and a later two-over-two horizontal-pane wood-sash window at the rear (west) of the right elevation. An upper-level entrance has been added to the left (south) gable and is accessed by an exterior wood stair. A shed-roofed wing extends from the left rear (southwest).

Open shed with metal roof on dressed timbers. In the 1998 survey, this was deemed a Noncontributing Building.

SOURCES: Kaye Graybeal, National Register of Historic Places Nomination: West Chapel Hill Historic District, Orange County OR1439 (Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office, 1998); Heather Slane and Cheri Szcodronski, 2015 Survey Update (NCSHPO HPOWEB 2.0, accessed 10 Jan. 2020); courtesy of the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office.



108 Kenan Street