214 McCauley Street

NR nomination: The two-story frame I-house with two-story rear ell and interior chimneys alludes to the nineteenth century houses found on Cameron, but is a much later example, with added Colonial Revival features including a hipped roof and a square-columned full-facade front porch situated fully across the front of the house. The property also features Chapel Hill stone walls. The property was sold in 1901 by David McCauley to Thomas W. Strowd, who probably held the land for sale to C. B. Griffin, a renter from across the street, on which Griffin built the house in 1913. Griffin was a bank cashier.

In the 1998 survey, this was deemed a Contributing Building.

2015 Survey Update: The hip-roofed house is three bays wide and single-pile with a near-full-width, two-story, gable-roofed, single-pile rear wing. It has plain weatherboards, one-over-one wood-sash windows, and two brick chimneys located at the rear of the main section, but obscured by the rear wing. The one-light-over-one-panel door, centered on the façade, is sheltered by a near-full-width, hip-roofed porch supported by tapered square columns with an original matchstick railing. A small, one-story, hip-roofed wing extends the width of the rear elevation and projects beyond the left (west) elevation with an entrance on its left elevation. Above this, a second-floor-level, hip-roofed wing has been added and a frame shed-roofed carport extends from the rear, both visible only from the parking area to the rear of the house. A low stone wall extends across the front of the property.

Frame gazebo with hipped roof supported by square columns with diagonal braces, spindle frieze, and wood railing. In the 1998 survey, this was deemed a Noncontributing Building.

SOURCES: Kaye Graybeal, National Register of Historic Places Nomination: West Chapel Hill Historic District, Orange County OR1439 (Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office, 1998); Heather Slane and Cheri Szcodronski, 2015 Survey Update (NCSHPO HPOWEB 2.0, accessed 10 Jan. 2020); courtesy of the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office.



214 McCauley Street