222 Vance Street

NR nomination: Large two-story Colonial Revival house with gambrel roof, oversized shed dormer, and grouped, four-over-one sash windows.

In the 1998 survey, this was deemed a Noncontributing Building.

2015 Survey Update: The house is five bays wide and double-pile with plain weatherboards, four-over-one Craftsman-style wood-sash windows, near-full-width shed-roofed dormers, and an interior brick chimney. The entrance, a fifteen-light French door with five-light sidelights has a two-over-one window to its left (west) and both are sheltered by a shed-roofed porch supported by square columns. A one-story, flat-roofed wing with very deep overhangs extends the full width of the rear elevation with a hip-roofed screened porch at its rear. A second-floor-level shed-roofed addition extends the shed-roofed dormer at the right rear (northeast) and rests atop the flat-roofed wing. A low stone wall with stone piers extends along the sidewalk. County tax records date the house to 1924. The unusual width of this house indicates that the right bay may have been added later, in which case, were the NRHD to be updated, the building would likely be considered noncontributing.

One-story frame shed was demolished before 2013. In the 1998 survey, this was deemed a Noncontributing Building.

SOURCES: Kaye Graybeal, National Register of Historic Places Nomination: West Chapel Hill Historic District, Orange County OR1439 (Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office, 1998); Heather Slane and Cheri Szcodronski, 2015 Survey Update (NCSHPO HPOWEB 2.0, accessed 10 Jan. 2020); courtesy of the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office.



222 Vance Street