GEORGE AND COLLETTE LANE HOUSE late 1930s Two-story, frame Colonial Revival with wood shake walls, central door with transom, and an ornate latticework entrance porch with a concave metal hood. Classical eave frieze, eight-over-eight sash windows,…

HOWARD HUSE HOUSE 1924 Two-story, frame, Dutch Colonial Revival with recessed front door, plain siding, one-over-one window sash, full-width front shed dormer, exterior end brick chimney, and flanking one-story wings with eight-over-eight window…

W. E. ATKINS HOUSE 1924, 1940s One-and-a-half-story, frame Craftsman cottage, with a front cross-gable, latticework entrance porch with an engaged bracketed hood, transom and sidelights around the front door, plain siding, and triple four-over-six…

JOHN S. AND MANNIE BENNETT HOUSE 1927 Two-story, frame Colonial Revival with unusually refined trim, including and arched pedimented entrance portico, fanlight and sidelights, eight-over-eight window sash, exterior end brick chimney, plain siding,…

PEARL FISHEL HOUSE late 1930s Two-story, brick Colonial Revival of front-gabled side-hall Federal-style, with pedimented entrance portico, several three-part windows, eight-over-eight window sash with large concrete lintels and Flemish bond brick…

JAMES AND VIVIAN PHIPPS HOUSE late 1920s One-story, frame Craftsman cottage of diminuitive scale, with elegant tripartite floor-length fixed-sash windows flanking the front door with wide sidelights. All windows have Craftsman muntin pattern.…

WILLIAM F. THRALL HOUSE 1930 Two-story, frame Colonial Revival with arched, bracketed hood over central entrance, wood-shingled walls, flanking two-story wings with one-story screened-porch on one side and second-story screened sleeping porch on…

FREDERICK JOHN AND HARRIET W. SCHNELL HOUSE 1927, c. 2000 Two-story, frame Colonial Revival with center door with transom and sidelights and pedimented entrance portico. Plain siding, six-over-six sash windows, and flanking two-story porch wings.…

E. CARRINGTON AND COLLEEN SMITH HOUSE 1938 Two-story, frame Colonial Revival with a pedimented entrance surround, blind fanlight and sidelights around the door, plain wood siding, eight-over-twelve and eight-over-eight window sash, and large…

EDWARD MONTGOMERY KNOX HOUSE 1925 One-and-a-half-story, frame Classical Revival bungalow, with an engaged front porch supported by massive wooden Doric columns. Side-gable roof with a front shed dormer with eight-over-eight sash, plain siding,…